Test our new

deburring tool Lollipop

Direct deburring at the machine with the deburring tool Lollipop

Our deburring tool Lollipop stands for efficient deburring directly at the machine. During the full research and development process we focused on small diameters and materials difficult to machine. We make it easy to cleanly deburr inner and outer contours with accesses from 1mm. Given the very smooth surface structure with its additional sliding coating we enable a continuous chip evacuation. We even eliminate as much as possible built-up edges with sticky materials.

The Lollipop deburrs almost every workpiece due to over 285° angle of contact. We achieve a very high surface finish even with high feeds due to an improved web thinning that provides a positive cut over the full tool contour. The high stability of the tool is due to the reinforced shank, in addition it absorbs vibrations even with big projection lengths.